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ESC - The next SRZ?

07/07/2010 12:12 PM by Hesperian

The way they keep racking up losses, it sure looks like it. This is another "not if, but when" short for me. Ideally I'd like to short at the top of a rally. The RSI is showing oversold, so we may get a shortable bounce here soon. But it's down so far today, on a triple-digit green day.


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  • 07/07/2010 05:28 PM by Dave Pinsen

    Interesting idea. I put in a limit order to pick up a few ITM puts on this, but I didn't get filled yet. Maybe if we get that shortable bounce.

  • 07/08/2010 04:13 PM by Dave Pinsen

    Got my limit order filled today on the Dec 10 $20 strike puts on ESC @ $4.70 each.

  • 07/11/2010 11:42 PM by Hesperian

    Still no luck with shares available to short on this, although a friend of mine was able to short this successfully. I have limit orders waiting to be filled on REV and HLS also, but with the news out of Japan we might not be green tomorrow and I will be frustrated once again.

  • 10/29/2010 04:20 PM by Dave Pinsen

    Sold to close at $2.20 for a loss of 53%. Drop in vol crushed them. Need to figure out a way to trade options in a market neutral, volatility neutral way. Will hold off on buying new puts until then.

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