
  • "Inside ALPHA's success has been built on scientifically proven investment methods. Only a few insiders understand the power (and returns) behind Prof. Altman's Z-Score model. So far, the main trouble with this model was that we had to have it calculated internally, as no provider did the job right. Finally, we discovered Short Screen; for an incredibly low price, you get it all. Congratulations and our heartfelt thanks to the Short Screen team for this amazing tool!"
    Marc Mayor Founder of InsideALPHA.com (market neutral investment strategies)
  • "Short Screen offers the easiest, cheapest way I know of to screen for companies using Altman's Z-Score bankruptcy model."
    James Basili Founder, Blacktree Capital Management
  • "An excellent tool in balancing a portfolio, the Altman Z-score screener through Short Screen is built around an easy-to-use interface with copious descriptions of the hows and whys of the Altman models -- all at a reasonable price that will more than pay for itself. The message board feature is also handy. It is clear, as the word gets out, that Short Screen will be a go-to site for up-to-the-minute information and a forum within which savvy investors will connect and trade information. BIG thumbs up."
    Joseph Frick Private investor
  • "The latest market crash taught me the importance of having short exposure in my portfolio. Even the best stocks can get hammered in poor overall economic conditions. A prudent investor should be hedged against macro-economic misfortunes by setting himself up to profit from falling stock prices.

    Short Screen assists me greatly in finding stocks to short. It uses Altman Z-scores to find the stocks most likely to file for bankruptcy. You can also enter any stock ticker, and it will calculate the Altman Z-score for you. This is helpful information to know, not only when considering going short, but also when considering investment in risky, deep value stocks.

    The website is easy to use and navigate. A good feature is the message board system. You don't have to be a member to post on the message board, and it is interesting to read the viewpoints of the site's mostly bearish membership, in stark contrast to the vapid, cheer leading tripe you find on most message boards."

    John Krantz Private investor
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