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UAUA - New short position: UAL

12/29/2009 12:56 AM by Dave Pinsen

Bought some strike $6, JUN 10 puts on UAUA today. Details:


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  • 01/05/2010 01:01 AM by Dave Pinsen

    These went against me Monday, despite the stock dropping marginally. Still plenty of time until expiration though, and oil rising and increased security hassles for air travelers are headwinds for airlines generally.

  • 01/18/2010 06:28 PM by Stock_Assassin

    .25 cents now. This one hasn't panned out for you too well so far.

  • 03/11/2010 09:05 AM by buffetteer17

    I've been short UAUA since about $13. Not so good so far. However, I think the intrinsic value is around $8. The Z-score continues to be terrible. I also did a fit of the Sornette bubble detector formula to a year of UAUA closing prices. The fit has a 97% R-squared (high confidence) and it predicts a big price correction within the week. UAUA is pretty surely in a bubble.

  • 04/22/2010 08:46 PM by Dave Pinsen

    I have wondered if one could use the same sort of multidiscriminant analysis Altman used to create his models to make a timing model that incorporates the Sornette bubble detector formula. Another project for the queue.

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